Top 20 ‘Types of Cichlids’ Diet, Behavior, Characteristics, Lifespan, and More

Cichlids are a diverse and captivating group of fish known for their vibrant colors, unique behaviors, and fascinating characteristics.

In this article, we will dive into the world of cichlids, exploring the top 20 types of cichlid breeds, their daily diet, gestation period, sleeping habits, aggression levels, physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior.

The lower classifications of cichlids, explore their lifespan, reproduction methods, rarest species, and more.

Types of Cichlids

Types of Cichlid Breeds

Cichlids come in a wide range of species and breeds, each with its own distinctive features. Here are the top 20 types of cichlid breeds favored by aquarium enthusiasts:

  1. African Cichlids
  2. South American Cichlids
  3. Central American Cichlids
  4. Malawi Cichlids
  5. Lake Tanganyika Cichlids
  6. Discus Cichlids
  7. Oscar Cichlids
  8. Angelfish Cichlids
  9. Jack Dempsey Cichlids
  10. Electric Blue Cichlids
  11. Flowerhorn Cichlids
  12. Convict Cichlids
  13. Firemouth Cichlids
  14. Peacock Cichlids
  15. Frontosa Cichlids
  16. Green Terror Cichlids
  17. Blue Ram Cichlids
  18. Red Devil Cichlids
  19. Jewel Cichlids
  20. Rainbow Cichlids

Cichlid Daily Diet

Cichlids are omnivorous fish, which means they eat a combination of plant matter and protein-based foods. Their diet may include:

  • High-quality cichlid pellets or flakes
  • Live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia
  • Fresh vegetables like peas, zucchini, and spinach

A well-balanced diet is crucial for the health and vibrant coloration of cichlids.

Cichlid Gestation Period

Cichlids do not give birth to live young like some fish species. Instead, they lay eggs, which are typically deposited on a flat surface or in a dug-out pit. The gestation period for cichlid eggs varies among species but generally lasts from 3 to 14 days, depending on factors such as water temperature.

Cichlid Sleeping Time

Cichlids are diurnal creatures, which means they are most active during the day. At night, they tend to rest in secluded spots or among rocks and plants in their aquarium. Providing a dimly lit environment during their “sleep” hours can help mimic their natural habitat.

Cichlid Aggression

Cichlids are known for their territorial and sometimes aggressive behavior. This behavior can vary greatly depending on the species and the tank’s setup. To minimize aggression, provide ample hiding spots, maintain proper tank size, and avoid overcrowding.

Physical Characteristics of Cichlids

Cichlids exhibit a wide range of physical characteristics, including diverse colors, fin shapes, and body sizes. Some cichlids are prized for their stunning coloration, while others are admired for their unique fin extensions or patterns.

Habitat of Cichlids

Cichlids are native to various regions around the world, from the rivers and lakes of Africa to the waterways of South and Central America.

To provide the best care for your cichlids, it’s essential to research the specific habitat and water parameters preferred by your chosen cichlid species.

Behavior and Lifestyle of Cichlids

Cichlids are renowned for their intriguing behaviors, including courtship rituals, nest building, and complex social interactions within their groups. Observing their behavior can be a fascinating and educational experience for aquarium enthusiasts.

Cichlid Lower Classifications

Cichlids belong to the family Cichlidae, which is further divided into various subfamilies, tribes, genera, and species. These lower classifications help categorize cichlids based on shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Some notable subfamilies include Pseudocrenilabrinae, Cichlasomatinae, and Etroplinae, while popular genera encompass Apistogramma, Astronotus, and Neolamprologus.

Cichlid Lifespan

The lifespan of cichlids can vary significantly based on factors such as species, care, and habitat conditions. On average, cichlids typically live for 10 to 15 years in captivity. However, some species have been known to reach even greater ages when provided with excellent care and an ideal environment.

Cichlid Reproduction

Cichlids exhibit diverse reproductive strategies, with some species being mouthbrooders and others employing different techniques.

Mouthbrooding involves one parent, often the female, carrying the fertilized eggs or fry in her mouth until they are mature enough to swim freely. Other cichlid species opt for nest building and guarding the eggs.

The Rarest Cichlid in the World

Determining the rarest cichlid in the world can be challenging due to the vast number of cichlid species and ongoing discoveries.

Some contenders for the title of the rarest cichlid include the Devil’s Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis), a critically endangered species native to a single pool in Nevada, and various newly described species with limited distributions in remote regions.

Are Angelfish a Cichlid?

Yes, angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) belong to the cichlid family. They are among the most popular cichlid species kept in aquariums worldwide.

Known for their graceful appearance and distinctive fin extensions, angelfish are prized for their elegance and compatibility with other cichlid species.

The Prettiest Cichlid

Determining the “prettiest” cichlid is a matter of personal preference, as beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Cichlids are celebrated for their vibrant colors and unique patterns, making it challenging to single out one as the prettiest.

Species like the Discus cichlid (Symphysodon spp.), with its striking symmetry and rich hues, are often considered some of the most attractive cichlids.

Maximum Size of a Cichlid

The maximum size of a cichlid varies significantly depending on the species. While some cichlids remain relatively small, such as the Electric Blue Ram cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) at around 2 inches (5 cm), others can grow much larger.

The Oscars cichlid (Astronotus ocellatus), for example, can reach sizes of up to 12-16 inches (30-40 cm).

The Smallest Cichlid in the World

One of the smallest known cichlids is the Shell Dweller cichlid (Neolamprologus multifasciatus), which typically reaches sizes of around 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm). These tiny cichlids are known for their unique nesting habits and are often kept in nano aquarium setups.

Male vs. Female Cichlids

In many cichlid species, males tend to be larger and more colorful than females. This sexual dimorphism helps distinguish between the two sexes.

However, there can be exceptions, as the degree of dimorphism varies among species. In some cases, behavior and breeding roles also differ between male and female cichlids.

Are Cichlids Smart Fish?

Cichlids are renowned for their problem-solving abilities, complex social structures, and intricate behaviors.

While their intelligence may not match that of some mammals or birds, they display a remarkable level of adaptability and learning capacity, making them some of the most intelligent among fish species.

The Most Colorful Cichlid Fish

Identifying the most colorful cichlid fish is subjective, as different species exhibit a wide range of vibrant colors and patterns.

Some cichlids known for their exceptional coloration include the Peacock cichlid (Aulonocara spp.) with its iridescent hues, and the Jewel cichlid (Hemichromis spp.) known for its striking red and blue colors.

Is Cichlid a Lucky Fish?

Cichlids are not traditionally associated with luck or superstition in the same way as some other animals or symbols. However, in the realm of aquarium keeping, cichlids are considered fortunate choices due to their stunning appearances, engaging behaviors, and the joy they bring to enthusiasts.


In conclusion, the world of cichlids is a diverse and captivating one, with numerous breeds that offer unique characteristics and behaviors.

Whether you’re a seasoned cichlid keeper or a novice aquarist, the vibrant colors, distinct personalities, and intriguing habits of these fish make them a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts worldwide.

Understanding their dietary needs, gestation periods, behavior, and habitat preferences is key to providing a healthy and thriving environment for these remarkable aquatic creatures.

From their lower classifications to their lifespans, reproductive strategies, and unique qualities, cichlids continue to fascinate aquarists and researchers alike. Whether you’re a cichlid enthusiast or simply intrigued by these remarkable fish, their world is one of endless wonder and discovery.